How The Process Works
Once we get your info, we’re usually able to make you a fair all-cash offer within 24 hours. From there, we can close as quickly as 7 days
Close in as little as 7 days.
Your property will be purchased with cash, so you never have to worry about financing contingencies.

How Do You Get Paid?
There are three ways. The first method of payment is the safest and fastest method; a wire transfer. The other two ways are either a check or a money order, both which involve more time and more effort. If you choose to get your proceeds by wire transfer, you can expect to see the money hit your account no later than an hour after you sign your closing documents.
Once you get your funds, you are officially and legally done with the property. You do not have any commitments to it whatsoever and you can walk away with a clear conscience and cash in hand.
What Our Customers Say
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Consectetuer fringilla aenean sagittis potenti ullamcorper nam porta feugiat. Ante urna congue feugiat efficitur vel duis.

Consectetuer fringilla aenean sagittis potenti ullamcorper nam porta feugiat. Ante urna congue feugiat efficitur vel duis.
